Metallomorphoses Exhibition Opened in the Passenger Port of St. Petersburg “Marine Façade”
08 February 2019
Sea station No. 3 opened an exhibition of Fyodor Krushelnitsky, the famous St. Petersburg sculptor and graphic artist. Titled “Metallomorphoses”, the display includes metal sculptures. The author found material for his works on metal dismantling areas, flea markets, and sometimes just on St. Petersburg streets. By analogy with “metamorphoses”, meaning “transformation, conversion of something” in Greek, “metallomorphoses” in the works by Fyodor Krushelnitsky personify transformation, modification, the acquisition of new forms by metal.

Sculptures of submarines, a sailor’s wife, Yuri Dolgoruky on horseback, and other works have been created from spare parts, pans, kettles, and other household scrap. They all appear in a playful and, at the same time, fascinating phantasmagoria of a “park of the Soviet period”. Brutal metal figures, flat statues with slits inside conventionally interpreted bodies cause associations with both ancient pagan idols and Malevich’s Suprematist figures. The author’s works also refer the viewer to the history of the Russian military and industrial complex of the early 90-ies, when the production of high-tech missiles, submarines, and aircraft was rapidly conversed into the production of pots, pans, and other household utensils.
One of the central themes of the exhibition is the submarine “Batishkaf”, an invention that is thirty years ahead of Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings, and inspired the French writer Jule Verne to write his fantastic underwater epic.
Address: 1, Shore of Neva Bay, the Passenger Port of St. Petersburg “Marine Façade”, Sea Station No. 3, 2nd floor.
FREE ADMISSION (on production of your identity document).
Opening time: 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on weekdays, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on the weekend
To enter to the Port, you must drive through a checkpoint following the above map. There is a parking zone available for private vehicles of the Port’s guests. Parking is paid according to the current rates. See “Price of services of “PP of SPb MF” PLC to Provide Transport Infrastructure of the Passenger Port of St. Petersburg “Marine Façade””, Table 3.
No parking allowed along the road and passages of the Port not marked as parking areas. Please do not leave your car in the Port’s parking lots after the exhibition; otherwise, your car will be impounded.
Pursuant to the instruction on the access control and internal regime of “PP of SPb MF” PLC, please read the following rules:
- all visitors to the exhibition must follow the rules set forth in the instructions on the access control and internal regime of “PP of SPb MF” PLC;
- before entering the Port, all vehicles and transported items will be inspected;
- please comply with the traffic rules of the Russian Federation while driving around the Port;
- all visitors must be inspected before they enter a terminal;
- No piercing and cutting items, firearms and self-defense devices, alcoholic beverages are allowed in the Port. Persons carrying the above items will be denied access to the Port;
- No intoxicated visitors are allowed into the Port;
- No visitors with pets are allowed into the Port;
- Free admission to the Port for exhibition visitors;
We care for your safety and hope for your understanding.