Technical and engineering features:

Cruise and ferry ships with maximum length of 340 m, width of 42 m and draft of 8.8 m can access the Port through Petrovsky and Podhodnoy channels with a total length of 10.14 km and width of 140 m. Cruise and ferry vessels are services at the 7 berths of the Port. The marine terminals of the Port can handle up to 18 000 passengers per day.
Area of the Port: 33.03 ha
Water area of the Port: 3.04 km2
Total area of 4 terminal buildings: 29 770.1 m2, including area for public use– 7 794.5 m2
The total area of roads and parking space:15.01 ha
Quayage: 2 171,06 m, including:
- berth №1 - 375,00m;
- berth №2 - 288,08m;
- berth №3 - 303,95m;
- berth №4 - 271,05m;
- berth №5 - 269,99m;
- berth №6 - 288,00m;
- berth №7 - 416,60m.
Designed passenger turnover: 2 008,0 thousand units per year, including:
- by cruise vessels - 1 217,6 thousand units per year;
- by ferry vessels - 790,4 thousand units per year.
Designed passenger throughput: 1 004,0 thousand units per year, including:
- cruise passengers - 603,8 thousand units per year;
- ferry passengers - 395,2 thousand units per year.
Designed number of calls: 726 units per year, including:
- cruise calls - 310 units per year;
- ferry calls - 416 units per year.
Designed transport turnover: 58 units per year.
- length 28m, width 28m.;
- landing pad can receive helicopters of up to 13 tons in weight
Key features of shore infrastructure:
- All the berths are equipped with connection points for water bunkering.
- On berths 2 and 3 water bunkering is available throughout the year.
- Water supply capacity is 100 m3 per hour.
- The supplied water meets all necessary sanitary requirements.
- All the berths are equipped with facilities of garbage disposal and waste water collection.
- Sewage system capacity is 100 m3 per hour.
- Waste water collection service on berths 2 and 3 is provided throughout the year.
- Special system of garbage collection designed at the Port.
Ferry infrastructure:
- berths №№ 2, 3 of length 288 and 304 meters correspondingly;
- two landing aprons of area 70*35 meters each to recieve motor vehicle transport;
- Marine Terminal №3, where passenger flows that follow different directions can be properly separated;
- passenger walkway that connects the vessel with Marine Terminal №3;
- checkpoint for motor vehicle transport control with 6 (six) lines for each direction.
The Marine Permanent Multilateral Russian Federation State Border Checkpoint is opened at the Port in accordance with the Order of the Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border of the Russian Federation "On the Opening of the Marine Permanent Multilateral Russian Federation State Border Checkpoint at the Seaport "Passenger Port of St. Petersburg" dated 21 June, 2011 N88-PP. Currently "PP of SPb MF" PLC implements the
investment project of reconstruction of state border checkpoint.
Number of passport control booths: 116, including:
- Marine Terminal №1 - 36 booths;
- Marine Terminal №2 - 28 booths;
- Marine Terminal №3 - 20 booths;
- Marine Terminal №4 - 32 booths.
Passenger port of St. Petersburg “Marine Facade” consists of 4 terminals:
- Cruise Terminal No.1
Cruise Terminal No.1 and related infrastructure:
- Cruise ship berths 6 and 7
- The building of Cruise Terminal 1
- Customs and border control area: 36 booths
- Duty-free shops
- Covered parking for tourist buses – 66 places (berth 7 - 32; berth 6 - 34)
- Parking for tourist minibuses – 36 places
- Parking for cars – 119 places
Inside the terminal building you can find:
- Vending machines
- Souvenir shops
- City Tourist Information Booth
- Taxi desk
- ATMs
- Fur store

- Cruise Terminal No.2
Cruise Terminal No.2 and related infrastructure:
- Cruise ship berths 4 and 5
- The building of Cruise Terminal 2
- Customs and border control area: 28 booths
- Duty-free shops
- Covered parking for tourist buses - 38 places (berth 5 - 25; berth 4 - 13)
- Area for tourist buses - 24 places (berth 5 - 12; berth 4 - 12)
- Parking for tourist mini-buses – 10 places
- Parking for cars – 49 places
Inside the terminal you can find:
- Vending machines
- Souvenir shops
- Taxi desk
- ATMs

- Cruise Terminal No.3
Cruise Terminal No.3 and related infrastructure:
- Berths 2 and 3 – designed to receive cruise ships and ferries with a maximum length of 245 m. The berths are equipped with mobile gangways for pedestrian access to the terminal building via walkways
- The building of cruise and ferry Terminal 3
- Customs and border control area: 32 booths
- Covered parking for tourist buses - 23 places (only by berth 3)
- Parking for cars – 246 places
Inside the terminal you can find:
- Traditional cuisine cafe
- Vending machines
- Souvenir shops
- Taxi desk
- ATMs
- Post office
- Duty-free shop

- Cruise Terminal No.4
Cruise Terminal No.4 and related infrastructure:
- Cruise ship berths 1 and 2
- The building of Cruise Terminal 4
- Duty-free shops
- Customs and border control area: 20 booths
- Covered parking for tourist buses - 45 places (berth 1 - 30; berth 2 - 15)
- Area for tourist buses – 24 (berth 1)
- Parking for tourist mini-buses – 20 places
- Parking for cars – 158 places
Inside the terminal you can find:
- Vending machines
- Souvenir shops
- Taxi desk
- ATMs

- Cruise Terminal No.5
Cruise Terminal No.5 and related infrastructure:
- Berths A, B, V, G, D are for cargo-passenger operations
- Berth E is for cargo operations
- "Morskoy Vokzal" station building on Morskoy Slavy Square, 1
- Duty-free shop
- Customs and border control area: 17 booths
- Parking for cars and tourist buses – 200 places
Inside the terminal building you can find:
- Vending machines
- Souvenir shops
- Mini-market
- Beauty shop

Location of the cruise terminal: Russia, St. Petersburg, Morskoy Slavy Square, Building 1, Sea Station, cargo and passenger berths A, B, V, G, D, E.
Main technical features of the cruise terminal: cargo and passenger terminal
Area of the cruise terminal: 3,95 ha
Water area of the cruise terminal: 0,015 km2
Number of berths of the cruise terminal: 6
Quayage length of the cruise terminal: 769,7 lineal meters
Capacity of the cargo cruise terminal: 400 thousand tons per year
Capacity of the passenger cruise terminal: 1 050 000 passengers per year
Maximum dimensions of vessels handled at the cruise terminal (navigation depth, length, width) (m):
- Berth А: 9,22 / 114,5 / 16
- Berth B: 9,22 / 124,2 / 16
- Berth V: 9,22 / 130 / 16
- Berth G: 6,07 / 121 / 16,8
- Berth D: 9,97 / 84,7 / 13,9
- Berth E: 7,07 / 133 / 20
Lengths of berths (m):
- Berth A: 124,7
- Berth B: 132
- Berth V: 132
- Berth G: 132
- Berth D: 110,7 (end 38.1 + front 72.6)
- Berth E: 138,3
Number of passport control booths:
- Sea Station No. 5 - 17 booths;
Passenger port of St. Petersburg “Marine Facade” consists of 5 terminals::
- Cruise Terminal No.1
Cruise Terminal No.1 and related infrastructure:
- Cruise ship berths 6 and 7
- The building of Cruise Terminal 1
- Customs and border control area: 36 booths
- Duty-free shops
- Covered parking for tourist buses – 66 places (berth 7 - 32; berth 6 - 34)
- Parking for tourist minibuses – 36 places
- Parking for cars – 119 places
Inside the terminal building you can find:
- Vending machines
- Souvenir shops
- City Tourist Information Booth
- Taxi desk
- ATMs
- Fur store

- Cruise Terminal No.2
Cruise Terminal No.2 and related infrastructure:
- Cruise ship berths 4 and 5
- The building of Cruise Terminal 2
- Customs and border control area: 28 booths
- Duty-free shops
- Covered parking for tourist buses - 38 places (berth 5 - 25; berth 4 - 13)
- Area for tourist buses - 24 places (berth 5 - 12; berth 4 - 12)
- Parking for tourist mini-buses – 10 places
- Parking for cars – 49 places
Inside the terminal you can find:
- Vending machines
- Souvenir shops
- Taxi desk
- ATMs

- Cruise Terminal No.3
Cruise Terminal No.3 and related infrastructure:
- Berths 2 and 3 – designed to receive cruise ships and ferries with a maximum length of 245 m. The berths are equipped with mobile gangways for pedestrian access to the terminal building via walkways
- The building of cruise and ferry Terminal 3
- Customs and border control area: 32 booths
- Covered parking for tourist buses - 23 places (only by berth 3)
- Parking for cars – 246 places
Inside the terminal you can find:
- Traditional cuisine cafe
- Vending machines
- Souvenir shops
- Taxi desk
- ATMs
- Post office
- Duty-free shop

- Cruise Terminal No.4
Cruise Terminal No.4 and related infrastructure:
- Cruise ship berths 1 and 2
- The building of Cruise Terminal 4
- Duty-free shops
- Customs and border control area: 20 booths
- Covered parking for tourist buses - 45 places (berth 1 - 30; berth 2 - 15)
- Area for tourist buses – 24 (berth 1)
- Parking for tourist mini-buses – 20 places
- Parking for cars – 158 places
Inside the terminal you can find:
- Vending machines
- Souvenir shops
- Taxi desk
- ATMs

- Cruise Terminal No.5
Cruise Terminal No.5 and related infrastructure:
- Berths A, B, V, G, D are for cargo-passenger operations
- Berth E is for cargo operations
- "Morskoy Vokzal" station building on Morskoy Slavy Square, 1
- Duty-free shop
- Customs and border control area: 17 booths
- Parking for cars and tourist buses – 200 places
Inside the terminal building you can find:
- Vending machines
- Souvenir shops
- Mini-market
- Beauty shop